Participation of Vassiliko Cement Works in the conference for the new version of Standard CYS EN ISO 50001:18
Vassiliko Cement Works was one of the sponsors of the conference for the new version of the Standard CYS EN ISO 50001:18, organized by the Cyprus Organization of Standardization (CYS) with the support of the Energy Service (Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry). The conference was held on April 9, 2019 at the Management building of the Hellenic Bank in Nicosia.
Representatives from the Energy Management Department of Vassiliko Cement Works, Mr. Andreas Panayi and Mrs Marina Tsagaridou outlined the progress towards the certification of Vassiliko Cement Works by the standard ISO 50001:11 and the Company benefits therefrom. The Cyprus Organization of Standardization (CYS) presented at the conference the new standard CYS EN ISO 50001 CYS EN ISO 50001 that sets the general requirements for the establishment of a System for energy management in an enterprise and focuses on the identification of opportunities of energy improvement.
Combating the climate change phenomenon requires coordinated response at global level, so that human creativity can focus on finding effective solutions; therefore, Vassiliko Cement Works key objective is the efficient use of energy at its facilities, aiming at natural resources protection, at mitigation of gas emissions and at environmental protection.