Human Resources

One of the top priorities for Vassiliko Cement Works is the Human Resources management. The Company's Human Resources department is increasingly investing in human capital and preserves the human capital value. It strengthens the relationship between the Company and the employees and offers all necessary tools contributing to personnel development.


Vassiliko Cement Works Human Resources is characterized by consistency in the work place quality wise and professionally and by its sensitization vis-à-vis volunteer actions, collegiality and solidarity.
The Company considers its personnel training as the most important investment both for personal and professional growth. For this reason, a significant amount of the annual budget is invested in the entire personnel’s ongoing training, regardless of gender or post.


The Company’s personnel adhere to the following codes, in order to preserve a proper behavior among everyone and to improve the communication relations:


- Code of Conduct

- Code against Sexual Harassment

- Code against Bullying




Employer Certification of Gender Equality in the Workplace (2022): Vassiliko Cement Works was re-certified in 2022 for the development and maintenance of an integrated system to promote gender equality in the workplace, thus confirming and recognizing the Company's actions and commitment to promote gender equality in the workplace.


Business Ethos Award (2018): Vassiliko Cement Works was awarded in the category of Limited Liability Companies for the adoption of responsible practices to combat corruption, to boost transparency, to apply the code of conduct, the policies and procedures for incidents involving conflict of interests. The purpose of granting Business Ethos Awards is to encourage, acknowledge and reward the efforts made by the enterprises to combat corruption and boost transparency.


Certification of gender equality at the work place (2018): In 2018, Vassiliko Cement Works was certified for developing an integrated system for promotion of equality at the work place. The distinction ''Equality Employer'' comes as a pinnacle of Vassiliko efforts and a recognition of best practices and policies applied, ensuring personnel gender equality conditions, equal opportunities for evolution, professional and family life balance and in particular, the principle of equal pay between men and women for the same work or for a work of equal value.


Certification of 7 best practices on gender equality at the workplace (2014) : Against the backdrop of promoting gender equality at the work place, Vassiliko Cement Works was certified in 2014 for 7 best practices promoting equality. These practices aimed at ensuring quality between the two sexes, personnel development and promotion of professional and personal life balance.