Vassiliko Cement Works Public Company Ltd announces that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 29th July 2021, resolved the following:
A. To appoint Ms. Melina Kyriakou, Accounts Manager of the Company, as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, with effect as from 01 August 2021.
The Curriculum Vitae of the Chief Financial Officer of the Company, Ms. Melina Kyriakou, follows below.
Melina Kyriakou – Chief Financial Officer
Ms Melina Kyriakou was born in Limassol in 1988. She graduated from the University of Bath with BSc (Hons) in Mathematics (First Class). She continued her studies to obtain the Chartered Accountant professional qualification and in 2012 she became a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA).
Ms Kyriakou has worked as a senior manager at the financial advisory department of Deloitte Ltd for eight years, providing services to local and international enterprises in various industries, including renewable energy and power, construction and real estate development, hotel and leisure, manufacturing, retailers and investment and finance.
In November 2017, she joined Vassiliko Cement Works as assistant to the Accounts Manager and she was subsequently appointed as Accounts Manager in January 2019.
B. To appoint Ms Maria Pavlidou as the Accounts Manager of the Company effective as from 01 August 2021. Ms Pavlidou has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Cyprus and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA). She worked as auditor for a period of nine years at Deloitte Ltd, and as from August 2019 she works at Vassiliko Cement Works as Deputy Accounts Manager.
Attached you will find the relevant Notifications of Appointments.
Download Notification according to Article 135(2) - Appointment of CFO.pdf
Download Notification According to Article 135(2) - Appointment of Accounts Manager.pdf
30 July 2021